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Google Inc has released a software that lets eager children locate the exact location of Santa Claus as he goes through Europe.

There’s one timeless question that we’re proud to say we can help answer: Where in the world is Santa at this very moment?, says a post on Google Blog.

Children or their parents just need to visit www.noradsanta.org to follow Santa as he journeys around the world delivering presents to children in more than 200 countries and territories.

Visitors to the site can choose to track Santa on their phones, on Google Maps, or on YouTube, the video site owned by Google.

NORAD (North American Aerospace Defence Command) first began to track Santa in 1955 when a misprinted advertisement in a Sears & Roebuck catalogue mistakenly led callers expecting a Santa-hotline to the NORAD commander-in-chief's telephone,according to the blog.

Embracing the spirit of the season, NORAD used its satellite and radar capabilities to offer callers sleigh-location updates, and has tracked Santa's whereabouts on Christmas Eve ever since.

In 2007 Google started a partnership with NORAD, adding the mapping technology of Google Maps and Google Earth to the NORAD experience.