Moammar Gadhafi Killed
Libyan dicator Moammar Gadhafi's death has incited massive reaction, including on social media platforms, such as Twitter. Some have been witty about him being killed; others have criticized it, including the joy and happiness brought forth. Even celebrities chimed in. Reuters

By now you know that Moammar Gadhafi has been killed.

The Libyan dicator's death has sparked mixed reaction, including on social media platforms, such as Twitter. Some have been witty about him being killed; others have criticized it, including the joy and happiness brought forth. Even celebrities chimed in.

Gadhafi was shot and killed while he was fleeing his home town of Sirte in Libya after a U.S. predator drone attacked his convoy. A 20-year-old Libyan rebel then discovered him in a drainage ditch begging for his life as he lay on the verge of death.

Gadhafi's last words before he was killed were simply, Don't shoot.

Gadhafi's death has trended just as much as the deaths of two former Middle Eastern leaders, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden.

Here are some of the reactions to Gadhafi's death via Twitter:

On the witty side

Gadhafi is dead. Where's my free gas?!

Anyone else think those bloody Gadhafi pictures actually look better than his real face?

Aw man! Gadhafi died right before the Jersey Shore finale. When it rains it pours.

On the political side

The dark shadow of tyranny has been lifted. And with this enormous promise, the Libyan people now have a great responsibility. #Gadhafi

Gadhafi death amounts to victory for Obama's approach, but little impact

I am not happy or celebrating the death, I'm happy and celebrating the end of a tyrant on the hands of the people he oppressed. #gadhafi

On the sympathetic side

Shame on the society! Death of anyone, even #gadhafi 's should not be applauded. It just makes you just as awful as he was!

Why isn't the media discussing the gross way #Gadhafi body was dragged through the streets like people acting like animals #culturalproblems

Wish we would start having trials for these despots instead of executing them #gadhafi

Somewhere in between

Gadhafi dead. Shouldnt have happened like that but he was asking for it. So now when will the Cubans get the balls to rise up against Castro?

Just saw the Gadhafi video. Heart-wrenching. He was not a good man, but my stomach sunk.

Celebrity tweets

Saturday Night Live comic Seth Meyers: Gadhaffi's last words were 'How my hair look, Mike?' #Unconfirmed

The Soup's Joel McHale, referencing Star Wars: Gadhafi Caught! Is there nothing Boba Fett can't do!

Actress Holly Robinson Peete: Wow Gadhafi was in power for 42 years??? Talk about no term limits! #alongasstime

Comedian Jeffrey Ross, referencing the Three Stooges: Moammar Gaddhafi is dead. He's survived by his brothers Larry Gadhafi and Curly Gadhafi.

Comedian Steve Martin: Lunch with Gadhafi, cancelled.

Host of Piers Morgan Tonight Piers Morgan: #Gadhafi has ruled #Libya since I was 4 years old. He's the Queen Victoria of despots.