Sara Dover

271-300 (out of 451)

Sarah Palin CPAC 2012 Speech: Where to Watch Video

Sarah Palin wowed the Conservative Political Action Committee 2012 conference on Saturday, her mama grizzly roar repeatedly bringing the audience to a standing ovation and reaffirming her relevance to the Republican Party.

CPAC 2012 Day One: Winners And Losers

A lot happened as thousands of Republicans flooded the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. Thursday for the massive three-day gathering of conservatives. At the end of the day, however, there was a clear list of winners and losers.

Xbox 720 Rumors: Is Used Games Ban a Good Thing?

Rumors about Xbox 720--Microsoft's yet-to-be-released next generation consul--and new technology that would prevent consumers from playing used games has ignited a heated debate over whether the ban would be a good or bad thing for the video game industry.
