Why would Saudi Arabia wish good luck to Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh who is facing the wrath of anti-government protesters? Especially when the president is having a tough time trying to contain the number of his defecting military chiefs?

According to Ali al-Mamari, spokesman for the Yemeni opposition Coalition for Youth Revolution, Saudi ruling elite foresees a similar uprising in their country. They fear that a regime change in the neighboring country could fan the fire of revolt in their own backyard.

As it turns out, it is not just Saudi Arabia but also the US that has secret motives in not intervening in Yemen's worsening political atmosphere. A similar revolution in Libya saw US action against the ruling regime which is apparently not in the cards against Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

What probably made the difference in strategy was the huge oil reserves Libya has when compared to Yemen. Libya, a country bestowed with vast oil riches, was lucrative enough for the US to play along with the anti-government protesters; but doing so in Yemen might anger the Saudi Arabian political fraternity. The US is apparently playing their part well enough not to annoy Saudi Arabian power-bearers.

Saudi Arabia is using all its power and might to contain the political crisis of the Middle Eastern region. Last week they dispensed a $4 billion aid to help the recovering ruling military council of Egypt. They have invited the kingdoms of Jordan and Monaco to join the Union of Persian Gulf monarchies. Now they are desperately trying to help Yemen President in his bid to retain power amidst a youth-driven popular uprising.

Military crackdown continued in Yemen where as many as 6 protesters were killed and hundreds wounded in clashes over the weekend. Saleh addressed the defected military chiefs and politicians who offered their support to the demonstrators as traitors and war-mongers.
Corruption and unemployment have been rampant as a result of the 32-year regime of Saleh.