Twitter is testing a new version of its app that removes the retweeting icon, and replacing it with a circular icon for “sharing” options, according to TechCrunch.

Twitter told TechCrunch, “We’re testing new icons on Tweets to evaluate how this impacts the way that people use Twitter,” a spokesperson said in an email.

Twitter user @lasersushi noticed the menu has a Retweet, Quote Tweet, Send by Direct Message and Share Tweet.

This isn’t the first time Twitter has tried replacing retweets with sharing. The company tried removing it in 2014 but didn’t have any luck.

Twitter’s retweet has been a part of the Twitter experience, as a way to share your favorite content on the service. The company activated the retweet feature on a small percentage of accounts to see how it works before rolling

Twitter currently has 313 million monthly active users, and is constantly trying to find new ways to improve its service.

The company also recently changed “stars” and “favorites” to “likes” and “hearts,” two options Facebook users are familiar with. If the “reply” arrow is replaced with a “speech bubble” it may make it easier for users to navigate Twitter’s app, especially since iMessage has similar icons. The new sharing option will also help boost user engagement, which we know the company has been having a ton of trouble with this year.

Twitter has made updates to its iOS app that makes it more easy to use the service. Twitter update its app over time to convince more people to use it. Back in June, Twitter let users retweet themselves.​