David Ortiz
Boston Red Sox designated hitter David Ortiz hits a three-run home run against the Toronto Blue Jays at Boston's Fenway Park June 14, 2015. Ortiz says he will veto any proposed trade. Reuters/Gregory J. Fisher-USA Today Sports

It seems nothing can go well for a major sports figure at a nightclub. Former NBA player, Chris Copeland, was stabbed in the abdomen outside a New York City nightclub and former NFL wide receiver, Plaxico Burress, accidentally shot himself in the leg at a different New York Club. Regardless of what sport they’re in or their status in the sport, all nightclubs seem to cause is trouble.

Now, one of the best sluggers in the history of baseball learned that the hard way in the Dominican Republic.

David Ortiz was out at Dial Bar and Lounge nightclub in his native Dominican Republic when an unidentified man open fired into the club. The crowd scattered and Ortiz is reportedly seen in the CCTV feed gripping his side. Ortiz was then rushed to the hospital to undergo successful surgery for his bullet wound.

Ortiz was at the club with Dominican TV host, Jhoel López, for an interview when the shooting happened. López was struck in the leg during the shooting, though the police reported that his injuries were non-life threatening.

“Doctors say he is out of danger, but he is heavily sedated and will be in intensive care for the next 24 hours,” Ortiz’s media assistant, Leo Lopez, told ESPN after the surgery. Ortiz’s father, Leo Ortiz, also spoke with ESPN, adding that “Big Papi will be around for a long time.”

Former-Red Sox pitcher, Pedro Martinez, took to Twitter to offer his support to his former teammate, along with the MLB.

The shooter was also accosted by several bystanders and beaten before being taken to the hospital for treatment before being released into police custody.