Heavy AR
The new Fortnite update has added a new heavy assault rifle weapon. Epic Games

Epic Games has released the v6.22 update for “Fortnite” and it adds a new weapon and a limited time event. The Fortnitemares event might be over, but the cube monsters are back in the new Team Terror mode.

The new Team Terror mode will have two teams of 32 players. The first team to completely eliminate the other team will win the round. However, that will be a lot more challenging with cube monsters scattered throughout the battle royale map.

In Team Terror mode, monster spawners will be scattered in the map and more will appear as the storm closes in. As usual, when players kill monsters, they will drop weapons and ammo. When Gold monsters and monster spawners are destroyed, they will drop legendary items.

Team Terror also has some few adjustments to make gameplay a bit more interesting. Farming resources will be increased to 75 percent when playing in this mode. Floor loot spawn has also been increased by 15 percent. Ammo boxes will also spawn triple ammo, while floor loot ammo will be doubled.

Meanwhile, chests spawn will double ammo and consumables. As for supply drops, ammo spawn will double while extra consumables, resources and traps will be included.

The v6.22 update also brings back the Blitz! limited time mode. “Blitz is a faster-paced version of Battle Royale. The match begins with the storm moving towards the island, and the delay between each circle is shorter than normal, creating matches that are 15 minutes long or less. The map also has extra loot and resources. Profile Stats count in this mode, so fight hard for the Victory Royale,” Epic Games said.

  • Increased chances of treasure chests spawning from 50-70 [percent] to 80-90 [percent].
  • Increased chances of ammo boxes spawning from 65-80 [percent] to 85-95 [percent].
  • Reduced empty floor loot spawn chance from 21.5 [percent] to 3.55 [percent]
  • Resource harvesting amounts increased by 50 [percent].
  • Increased materials found on the ground from 30 to 60 per instance.
  • Increased number, spawn rate & the descent speed of Supply Drops.
  • Increased number of llamas spawned by 4x.
  • Removed shopping carts.

“Fortnite” v6.22 also adds a new weapon called the Heavy Assault Rifle, which appears to be modeled after the AK-47. The new weapon can be found in floor loots, chests, vending machines and supply drops. The Heavy Assault Rifle is only available in Rare (44dmg), Epic (46dmg) and Legendary (48dmg) variants. It has a fire rate of 3.75 and a magazine carries 25 bullets.

The high damage output of the Heavy Assault Rifle might be disliked by a lot of players, as pointed out by Game Revolution. However, Epic has proven that it responds to community feedback real quick. If the new weapon is found to be too overpowered, then it’s likely that Epic will adjust the weapon’s damage output in a new update.

The v6.22 update also reverts the Pumpkin Launcher to the standard Rocket Launcher, while the spawn rate of balloons has been dropped from 12.2 percent to 2.3 percent. The maximum damage cap of the storm has also been decreased from 10 to 8.