A NASA scientist recently revealed that the international space community believes that there’s alien life hiding underground in planet Mars and that the U.S. space agency is actually planning to investigate the theory further.

According to a report, NASA astrobiologist Alfonso Davila said that it is quite possible that Martian life forms exist beneath the surface of Mars and could be thriving underground. During the NASA podcast 'On a Mission,' Davila explained that Mars’ surface temperature, weak atmosphere and dangerous radiation would just make it impossible for life to survive aboveground. Because of this, alien life which may have existed on the Red Planet for many years could have moved below to survive and has been there for billions of years.

“If anything, what we have learned about Mars is that the surface is extreme. But maybe as you get deeper and deeper, conditions get better and better. As you get closer to the center of the planet temperatures go up… it could then create a habitable environment,” Davila said.

The NASA scientist was referring to ice buried deep underground which could eventually melt because of the heat, creating liquid water underground. And where there’s water, the chances of finding living creatures also increases.

“As you go deeper also the nasty things you get at the surface you don’t get at great depths. So things like radiation and so as you go deeper you are better protected from these things.”

The scientist also shared that NASA is now working on going deeper into Mars’ surface and that they will be using advanced robotics to make it easier to go underground.

Davila is not the only expert who believes that life could be hiding under Mars. NASA astronaut and physiologist Dr. James Pawelczyk said in a report that understanding the planet’s geological and atmospheric components is the best way to understand what kind of living organisms to look for on Mars.

“Once we move outside the Van Allen belts - the magnetic field around our earth - then we're exposed to a much higher energy radiation forms. We also have the solar wind galactic cosmic radiation. And those really wreak havoc on the biology. When a high energy event hits DNA it pretty much shatters, and we don't have DNA repair mechanisms that can deal with that. So that's one of our big concerns for planetary exploration is how we shield from cosmic radiation.”

With this belief, the NASA scientist said that this is already a clue on knowing what to look for when searching for life on Mars.

“Survival on Mars really means going underground,” the scientist said. Taking this into consideration, life on Mars could mean aliens with tough shells or protection that could shield life not only from radiation but also from the extreme heat underground.

Mars Dunes
This captivating image was taken in the north polar region of Mars by the ESA/Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter’s CaSSIS camera. ESA/Roscosmos/CaSSIS