The New Hampshire Primary of 2012 is today. Voting will be open until 8 p.m. ET in the Granite State, although many precincts close their polls earlier.

Before that, though, one can get a glimpse into the New Hampshire primary race results from local polling and results from precincts that have voted already.

To stay up-to-date on the race and follow the results, check out the coverage here, here or here.

(Photo below from Reuters)

The latest poll on the New Hampshire race, released this morning (but conducted from Jan. 8 to Jan. 9) by Suffolk University/7NEWS, puts Romney at 37 percent, Paul at 18 percent and Huntsman at 17 percent.

This poll continues to reflect the trend of Romney slipping and Paul and Huntsman rising. It also reflects the impact of the weekend debates in New Hampshire, which previous surveys did not.

Before the Jan. 8 poll, the worst Romney polled was 39 percent and Paul and other candidates all polled below 20 percent. The Jan. 8 poll, however, showed Romney at only 35 percent and Paul at 20 percent for a differential of only 15 percentage points, stirring initial doubts about Romney's chances of victory.

While Paul vaulted to top-tier status starting from the Jan. 8 poll, Huntsman got his top-tier status only in the Jan. 10 poll.

Meanwhile, an American Research Group poll released on Jan. 9 put Romney at 37 percent, Huntsman at 18 percent and Paul at 17 percent.

For Huntsman, it is do or die because he essentially staked his entire campaign in the Granite State and does not have a credible strategy beyond it.

For Paul, a strong second was the worst-case scenario for New Hampshire, his campaign chairman Jesse Benton told TIME. Paul supporters, however, are gunning for first while many pundits think he could end in third behind Huntsman.

For Romney, anything less than a first would be failure; even a weak first place finish could be interpreted as a moral loss.

Many pundits, however, still frame the race as a contest for second place, with Paul battling for it against Huntsman. That is, they assume Romney has the win in the bag.

With Mitt Romney all but guaranteed to win, the competition has turned into a race for second place, wrote Anna Fifield of the Financial Times.

Who do you think will win the 2012 New Hampshire Republican primary? Which candidate do you support for the overall 2012 Republican nomination race? Vote in the polls below.