Amber Lee Ettinger of Obama Girl fame won't endorse the president for 2012, but her viral 2008 video about having a crush on Obama has inspired a new song based on the president's support for LGBT rights.

Meet Obama Boy, a.k.a. Justin Brown, whose YouTube video I've Got a Crush On Obama plays off Ettinger's hit and gushes over the president's support of same-sex marriage, the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and other LGBT rights initiatives.

One set of lyrics goes like this:

You let us serve openly in the military/ I'm so jealous of the First Lady/ Gay marriage will soon be the norm/ It makes me shiny and warm/ You support me, unlike the right/ You're my rainbow-colored knight/ Stonewall will be crazy tonight/ If I got a crush on Obama.

Just three days after it was posted on YouTube, Obama Boy's video already had 38,581 hits.

Obama Boy's video is below:

And this is the original Obama Girl video: