Obama Nov 2013
U.S. President Barack Obama during a November meeting with insurance executives at the White House. Reuters

U.S. President Barack Obama’s weekly job approval rating fell slightly last week, resting now at 40 percent after declining support from high-income earners, according to Gallup.

Polling data shows that for the past three weeks the president’s rating stood at 41 percent. In late October, Obama’s score was 43 percent -- a two-percentage-points tumble because of the government shutdown and a glitch-filled Affordable Care Act website rollout.

Though the healthcare public relations nightmare continues to follow the administration, Gallup’s data trends are showing that Obama is losing support among those who earn $90,000 or more annually, have a higher socioeconomic status and have postgraduate degrees. The president’s support among that group was 45 percent the week ended Oct. 27. However, the week of Nov. 18-24 saw that rating drop to 36 percent, according to Gallup.

Obama weekly job approval
Support for the president among high-income earners and postgraduates has decline. Gallup

“Barring any major reversal this week,” researchers wrote, “Obama is on track to shed at least two points in November, another month in which problems with the Affordable Care Act’s implementation have dominated the news.”

Gallup polled 3,064 adults for this survey between Nov. 18 and 24. It has a 2 percent margin of error.