The Orionid meteor shower will peak next week. During this time, fireballs are expected to appear in the night sky as the trail of debris from Halley’s Comet hits Earth.

The Orionids are known as the most abundant meteor shower associated with the Halley’s Comet, which only becomes visible from Earth every 75 to 76 years. The last time the comet appeared was in 1986. It is expected to become visible from Earth again sometime in 2061.

The meteors that appear during the Orionid shower are actually the fragments from the debris stream of the famous short-period comet, according to Penn Live. These tiny meteors appear as little fireballs in the sky as they burn up and disintegrate shortly after entering Earth’s atmosphere.

The Orionids meteor shower is active from Oct. 2 until Nov. 7 but its peak will occur from Oct. 22 to 23. During its peak, sky gazers can expect to see about 20 meteors per hour traveling at speeds of around 148,000 miles per hour.

The best time to view the meteor shower is from Monday evening until early Tuesday morning. Experts believe that more meteors will be visible starting at around 10:00 p.m. on Monday until midnight.

Of course, when viewing meteor showers, it would be best to do so in a dark area with a wide access to the sky. It would be best to avoid places that are too well-lit since artificial lights can hinder the visibility of the meteors.

According to astronomer Tom Kerss of the Royal Observatory Greenwhich, sky watchers can choose not to use binoculars or other special equipment since the Orionid meteor shower will be very visible during its peak.

“If you can brave the cold, make a plan to stay out and enjoy the thrill of seeing tiny flecks of Halley’s Comet disintegrate at hypersonic speeds above your head,” he told Express. “There’s no advantage to using binoculars or a telescope, your eyes are the best tool available for spotting meteors, so relax and gaze up at the sky, and eventually your patience will be rewarded.”

Pictured: This image taken with a meteorite tracking device developed by George Varros, shows a meteorite as it enters Earth's atmosphere during the Leonid meteor shower November 19, 2002. Getty Images/George Varros and Dr. Peter Jenniskens/NASA