The faithful within both the Republican and Democratic folds claim their chosen party leaders are champions of the American middle class. But the majority of independents who form the largest slice of that vast demographic overwhelmingly aren't buying it, pegging the Republicans as the party of the wealthy while also believing that Democratic policies somewhat tend to favor the poor.
That finding is among the most interesting in a new study by the Pew Research Center, which looks at the decline in income, wealth and optimism for Americans identifying as middle class. The report begins with the finding that fewer and fewer Americans even consider themselves to be in that socioeconomic group.
Since this is a presidential election year, some of the political findings are among the most salient. Click 'Start' to see some of the most interesting nuggets from the report.
A report on the state on the American middle class by the Pew Research Center calls the past decade "lost" for that socioeconomic group: Wealth, income and security are all down.PEWIn an interesting finding, the report's survey found most in the middle class blamed the Bush administration and Congress more than the Obama administration for their current plight.PewIn an interesting finding, the report's survey found most in the middle class blamed the Bush administration and Congress more than the Obama administration for their current plight.PewThe middle class seems to have plenty to complain about. Their income's share as part of the nation's total sum has been steadily declining as the rich have become richer.PewAlthough in absolute terms the poor have been worst off.PewThe numbers speak for themselves.PewThe shift has made many in the middle class feel that they are worse off now than they were a few years ago.PewThe share of Americans who even consider themselves middle class has grown smaller.PewAnd many now see less hope for future generations.PewThat has led to a change in fundamental attitudes.PewViews are generally that things are getting worse.PewAlthough, of course, views vary from individual to individual.PewPolitically, all this information is significant. The largest slice of people identifying themselves as middle class also call themselves "independents."PewAnd they are leaning blue so far.Pew