Rob Ford
Rob Ford doing 'that lean' Reuters

Politics are about to get even more scandalous in Toronto. In what is likely to be a battle between hot and huffing, porn star Nikki Benz announced her mayoral campaign Wednesday, in which she will challenge the infamous crack-smoking incumbent, Rob Ford.

Benz hit some paperwork issues at Toronto City Hall and was not been able to formally register for the race yet. She does, however, have a very catchy campaign slogan: “Trade in Your Ford for a Benz.”

The good news is that she doesn’t smoke anything. She doesn’t “even smoke cigarettes,” she said in interview with the Toronto Sun. “At least I’m honest and transparent,” she added. “No hidden agenda.”

Benz' agenda is still not 100 percent laid out. One thing is for sure, she wants something called National Masturbation Day, which is May 7, to be a civic holiday. She also wants to bring the adult entertainment industry to Toronto, claiming it would bring an influx of jobs and revenue to the city. She also promises to lower property taxes, but has not said how.

There is no doubt that her campaign is provocative enough to get attention, but her competition is no stranger to the limelight either, making them an interesting, if not equal, match. “I can do a great job at running the city,” Benz said outside City Hall Wednesday. “If Rob Ford can do it, I can do it.” Well, if Rob Ford can do it, anyone can.