announced that it received more than 2 billion pageviews in December 2011 alone., the wildly popular online community, attracted 2.07 billion page views in December 2011 alone, capping a year in which the site's traffic doubled the hits it received in 2010.

A total of 34.88 million unique visitors landed on the site in December, spending an average of 16 minutes on 12.97 pages for each visit.

A posting on the official Reddit blog Thursday explained that the increase in traffic was a result of a wide range of factors combining to improve and broaden the site's myriad offerings.

Thanks to our outstanding moderators and subscribers, reddit is now home to an active subreddit for almost every city, university, tv show, video game, sports team, image-fetish, flavor of politics, and even every world's problems. We even have vibrant meta subreddits, which reflect reddit through satire and introspection.

Subreddits like SOPA, Skyrim, ELIF,RomeSweetRome, OccupyWallStreet, RandomKindness, ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney,ProjectEnrichment, RedditThroughHistory, LoseIt, and DarkNetPlan can go from zero to one of the top hundred subreddits in months.

The blog posting went on to say that the Reddit community was one of the main catalysts of its growth.

It also predicted the future of Reddit, promising improvements over coming months to help users discover subreddits, help them understand how the site works, and provide better tools for subreddit moderators.

The infrastructure will also continue to improve in order for the site to become faster and more stable while further growth takes place, according to the Reddit blog posting.

But Reddit's admins add that it's a sublime feeling to look at 2012, or next month, or the next day and be able to honestly say 'we have no idea what's going to happen next.'

Below is a compilation of information about Reddit's users in the year 2011:

IE (5% of IE traffic still on IE 6 ?_?)7%
United States65%
Canada America's Hat10%
United Kingdom6%