Ron Paul's Super Tuesday 2012 Speech: 'No Army Can Stop An Idea!' [FULL TEXT & VIDEO]

Ron Paul on Abortion: Was Your Rape Honest?

When Ron Paul was asked by CNN host Piers Morgan on Friday whether he would allow one of his daughters or granddaughters to have an abortion if she were raped, he said yes -- if it's an honest rape. What does that mean?

Congressman Thinks Onion's Planned Parenthood 'Abortionplex' Article Is Real

Congressman Posts Onion 'Abortionplex' Article In Planned Parenthood Takedown
In an effort to expose Planned Parenthood's advocacy of abortion by wholesale, Rep. John Fleming (R-La.) posted an article about a long-planned Abortionplex by the organization on Facebook. The only problem? His source was The Onion, a satirical news source, meaning everything in the incriminating piece was completely (and obviously) false.
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Ron Paul: 'Honest Rape' Makes Emergency Contraception OK

The longtime libertarian-leaning Republican presidential candidate told Piers Morgan that emergency contraception is okay in cases of honest rape, but doubted that a woman who's seven-months pregnant would be telling the truth.
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Tom Tancredo

Tom Tancredo Endorses Rick Santorum: Who Is Tancredo?

Tom Tancredo, a former Colorado congressman and 2008 presidential candidate, endorsed Rick Santorum for the Republican presidential nomination on Wednesday, giving a small boost to Santorum's long-shot campaign after he finished a distant third in the Florida primary.
Ron Paul Supporter Sues Gingrich For Assault and Battery

Rick Tyler: Gingrich Backer Airs 'Black Genocide' Theory on MSNBC [VIDEO]

Tyler, a senior strategist for super PAC Winning Our Future and a former Gingrich aide, accused MSNBC of race baiting on Tuesday, and the Democratic Party of failing the black community on economic and social issues. But when Rachel Maddow and Rev. Al Sharpton challenged his argument, Tyler ended up playing into one of the most racially charged conspiracy theories out there: the Black Genocide theory.
Breast Cancer Can Be Prevented

Komen Planned Parenthood Funding Cut: Importance of Breast Exams and What To Look For

On Tuesday, Susan G. Komen for the Cure announced that they will cut funding to Planned Parenthood affiliates. Komen has provided funding for around 770,000 women's health screenings such as breast exams and mammograms among many other services. In light of Planned Parenthood's cut funding, it is important that women perform regular self breast exams.
Abortion rates higher in countries with stricter anti-abortion laws

Virginia State Senator Janet Howell Adds Rectal Exam to Anti-Abortion Bill in Amendment

The Virginia Senate is set to pass a bill Tuesday that will require pregnant women to undergo an ultrasound prior to having an abortion. State Sen. Howell attached an amendment to the anti-abortion bill Monday that would require men attempting to obtain a prescription for erectile dysfunction medication, like Viagra, to first have a cardiac stress test and rectal exam.
Economist Nassim Taleb believes Texas Congressman Ron Paul is the only presidential candidate who can fix America's economic problems

Is Ron Paul Anti-Semitic?

Recently, Ron Paul was asked a hypothetical question concerning Israel’s security. Would he, as president, provide Israel with military assistance if they were attacked with nuclear weapons from Iran?
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Oklahoma Bill to Ban Aborted Fetuses in Food

After Oklahoma State Sen. Ralph Shortey introduced a bill Jan. 18 that prohibits the manufacture or sale of foods which contain aborted human fetuses or which used them in the research or development of any of the ingredients, the world is wondering what foods contain aborted human fetuses.
GOP Candidates

GOP Candidates: Everything You Need to Know About the Final 4

The International Business Times has compiled comprehensive profiles on Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum and their positions on 11 issues: entitlement programs, health care, job creation, taxes, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, abortion, education, gay marriage and immigration.


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