Home vacancy rate flat in third quarter, rentals dip
A vacant home for sale in Yonkers, N.Y., in October 2010 Reuters

Young Americans struggling to pay back student loans can’t afford to buy homes, which is fueling demand for the single-family rental market, according to Deutsche Bank.

The U.S. single-family rental market has existed for decades but has grown the most in the past two years. Deutsche Bank gives two reasons: The housing market crash changed the way households view the decision to buy a home, and the rise in student-loan debt levels has made young people unable or reluctant to commit to buying a home.

Student loan debt is the only type of household debt that steadily increased through the Great Recession. The debt has risen from $579 billion in 2008 to nearly double that level today.

Meanwhile, large institutions are taking advantage of the sitiation and buying single-family homes to rent them out.