If you didn’t have to deal with red lights, your commute would be so much quicker.

Audi (FRA:NSU) is out to eliminate the stops from your commute. How does the German automaker plan to do this? It's got a system called TLA (Traffic Light Assistance) that takes information from traffic control networks and send it to the car’s dashboard. A picture is displayed ahead of time, letting the driver know if the upcoming light is going to stop them at their current rate of speed. Thus, the drive can speed up or slow down to compensate.

The system’s already been tested in Europe, but there’s no indication that American jurisdictions would be willing to grant the carmaker access to their traffic control networks. Law enforcement may not enjoy drivers knowingly speeding to beat a light just because their car told them to, either.

Meanwhile, in a rare moment of clarity and customer service, Electronic Arts has announced that the newest update to SimCity will be an offline patch. The game has required players to be tethered to the Internet at all times, which is strange for a single-player game. What made matters worse and caused months of customer complaints is that the servers were continually hammered by hiccups and instability, often rendering the game unplayable. It’s unclear if this announcement comes too late to save the title and push new sales.

Speaking of sales, the PS4 has supposedly passed the WiiU, at least in the USA. Sony has reportedly sold 2.1 million consoles in the US, while Nintendo has pushed just under that mark. The Xbox One isn’t far behind, at a shade under 2 million U.S. sales. It’s a bit strange, considering the PS4 and XB1 still have small game libraries and the WiiU has been out for a year longer.

Regardless of which console is your favorite, we can all agree that Nintendo has done a very poor job marketing their console, which is one of the reasons for its slow sales.