Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama is the wife of the 44th US President, Barack Obama, and is the first African-American First Lady of the United States REUTERS/Rick Wilking

First lady Michelle Obama spent her weekend disparaging the fat paycheck, the fancy office, the impressive lines on our resumés. Rather than pursuing these less-than-noble objectives, she advised the Oregon State University graduates to select a job based on how it feels to you.

But the great irony is that, as the first lady derided the corporate world, she belittled the very people who got her husband elected.

Speaking of herself and her brother, Oregon State basketball coach Craig Robinson, Obama said, After graduating from college, we did everything we thought we should do to be successful -- Craig went to business school, I went to law school, we got prestigious jobs at an investment bank and me at a law firm. We soon had all the traditional markers of success: the fat paycheck, the fancy office, the impressive lines on our resumés. But the truth is, neither of us was all that fulfilled.

Not so fast Mrs. Obama. Those fat paychecks footed the bill for your husband's election. While getting a job based on how it feels and staying true to ourselves sounds all well and good, someone had to pay for President Obama's $750 million campaign. And those someones were the very people the Obamas like to demonize -- the Wall Street fat cats with the fat paycheck[s], the fancy office[s], [and] the impressive resume lines.

In 2008, President Barack Obama took more money from Wall Street than every presidential candidate in the last 20 years; that includes President George W. Bush. Indeed, Wall Street's donations comprised 20 percent of Obama's total fundraising.

Among his top ten contributors were Goldman Sachs -- coming in at No. 2 -- Microsoft, Google, JP Morgan Chase & Co, and Citigroup, hardly the I-take-a-job-because-of-how-it-feels crowd.

This from the man who decried special interest monetary influence in his State of the Union, looking down at Chief Justice John Roberts, saying: With all due deference to separation of powers, last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests... I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests or, worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people.

In a complete 180, Obama has not only welcomed but embraced the inflow of cash from the wealthy, fat paycheck crowd.

Campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said last July that neither the president nor his campaign staff or aides will fundraise for super PACs. That is until campaign manager Jim Messina announced seven months later that senior campaign officials as well as some White House and Cabinet officials will attend and speak at (super PAC) Priorities USA fundraising events.

Timothy Carney of the Washington Examiner wrote: In truth, almost all of Obama's money comes from big donors. The Democratic National Committee, which pockets most of the money when Obama speaks at high-dollar fundraisers, raised more than 85 percent of its money in December from donors who have given the DNC $10,000 or more.

The Obamas can slam Wall Street all they want and paint Mitt Romney as some evil, corporate tycoon. But for all their politicizing and demonizing of hard-earned wealth, they sure do accept it without inhibition when it's politically convenient.

Kayleigh McEnany is a writer and political activist who graduated from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and studied at Oxford University. She is the founder of www.RealReaganConservative.com. She writes every Tuesday for the International Business Times.