It's a unique way of celebration for hackers on this Independence Day. Taking control of the Fox News Politics Twitter feed and spreading hoax news announcing the death of President Barack Obama, is their style.

Well obviously, the President is alive and healthy.

The thing that literally died, was the Fox News Politics' Twitter password.

It took a little time before the hackers successful built up the steam with their stream of misinformation.

The first few messages they posted began with @BarackObama, meaning they'd only appear in the timelines of people who follow Fox News and the Presidential account, according to a Techland report.

Soon after, the messages changed tactics and used a hashtag. People who saw through the hoax immediately started tweeting and the news spread like wildfire in a matter of minutes.

The hoax looked absolutely credible, owing to its generation from a professional news organization, which made people retweet the news, possibly even without reconfirming it.

One of the Tweets put forward as breaking news from compromised FOX account said, @Barack Obama assassinated, 2 gunshot wounds would have proved too much. It's a sad 4th for America.

Twitter was pretty much flooded with RIP Obama.

At the time of writing, the fake posts were still visible on the compromised Twitter feed, between two and three hours after they'd been posted, the report said.