apple macbook pro
After countless speculations and leaks, Apple finally launches the 16-inch MacBook Pro, sadly it missed to include two important major upgrades. JOSH EDELSON/AFP/Getty Images

Apple has recently informed the public and its employees about some logic board problems with the MacBook Air. While Apple has yet to fully disclose the problem with these units, the company is offering free repairs for the problem. MacBook Air owners with these problems are immediately notified to proceed to an Apple store.

In an internal note, Apple has notified its employees to service specific MacBook Airs for these logic board problems according to 9to5Mac. Apparently, these MacBook Airs have problems with its main logic board specifically in the retina 13-inch 2018 MacBook Air units. The note disclosed that the problem with these logic boards is with its “power” but didn’t get into detail on what causes the problem exactly.

Fortunately, Apple has already pinpointed these defective units through their serial numbers. The company has also contacted the owners of these units through e-mail. Bringing a defective MacBook Air will allow them to avail of the free service.

While the free service has been announced, the official site for Apple’s Exchange and Repair Extension Programs has yet to show this. MacBook Air owners can check their e-mail to double check or immediately bring their unit to a service store if they’re affected by this problem. So far, the latest update on the site was last June 20.

For now, Apple has yet to announce its next device release. The company has previously announced many new services that are due for release this late 2019. We'll have to wait for more updates with the new generation of MacBook Airs that could possibly not have this logic board problem anymore.