Following the Tampa, Fla., Republican debate on Monday night, former Cuban President Fidel Castro released an opinion piece blasting the Republican presidential candidates.

The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalized and expansive empire is - and I mean this seriously - the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been, he wrote. Castro has battled and survived 11 U.S. administrations since his 1959 revolution.

During Monday's debate, Mitt Romney argued that Wilman Villar Mendoza had died fighting for democracy and that his death justified a tough policy on Cuba. In response, Castro explains that Mendoza was not, in fact, a dissident but had been sent to prison for domestic violence.

Newt Gingrich then went on to say that he would willingly endorse covert operations to take down Cuba's government. The two candidates eventually deliberated whether Castro's soul would go to heaven or hell.