Jennifer Granholm
Former Governor of Michigan Jennifer Granholm addresses delegates during the final session of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, Sept. 6, 2012. Reuters

Hillary Clinton may not be ready to throw her hat into the ring of the 2016 presidential race, but Ready for Hillary, her super PAC, is busy laying the groundwork for a possible bid. The super PAC is sending Clinton surrogate and ex-Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm to South Carolina later this month to raise money for the state’s Democratic organization.

The Blue Jamboree fundraiser, hosted by the Charleston County Democratic Party, kicks off Sept. 27 and costs from $10 to $250 a head. The event’s organizers requested Granholm to headline the fundraiser, according to MSNBC. Granholm is going to give the South Carolina Democratic Party a $5,000 check at the event on behalf of Ready for Hillary. Once that check is cashed, the super PAC would have raised $10,000 for the state party, which is up to the legal limit. The Jamboree is the biggest Democratic political event in South Carolina, and Ready for Hillary is expected to use its huge mailing list to get Clinton supporters to attend the fundraiser in the important early primary state.

“Ready for Hillary is proud to support the efforts of the South Carolina Democratic Party in this year’s election and beyond, and we will continue to channel the energy and organization around a potential Hillary 2016 candidacy to help SCDP and 2014 candidates,” Ready for Hillary Communications Director Seth Bringman told MSNBC.

In 2008, the then-New York senator and former first lady was walloped by then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama in South Carolina, where Obama more than doubled Clinton’s vote percentage, 55 percent to 26 percent.