Lebanon Protesters Destroy Kentucky Fried Chicken And Hardee's Over 'Muslim Innocence' Film [PHOTOS]
In the wake of anti-American demonstrations over the incendiary film "Muslim Innocence," protesters in Tripoli, Lebanon, have taken to attacking not an American consulate, but an American fast-food restaurant, according to Reuters. Rioters were seen burning down a combination Hardee's and Kentucky Fried Chicken in the northern Lebanon city.
Many demonstrators were also enraged about Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Lebanon, shouting, "We don't want the pope" and "No more insults (to Islam)."
The film "Muslim Innocence" was filmed in California as an inflammatory piece of anti-Islamic propaganda by Egyptian Nakoula Basseley Nakoula under the pseudonym "Sam Bacile," according to the Associated Press. "Federal court papers filed against Nakoula in a 2010 criminal prosecution noted that Nakoula had used numerous aliases, including Nicola Bacily and Robert Bacily," AP reported.
Nakoula allegedly hired a cast and crew under the pretense that they were making a film called "Desert Warriors" about the life of an ancient Egyptian.
In post-processing, Nakoula overdubbed lines in the film to make specific derogatory comments about Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, referring to him as a "child molester," among other things. Nakoula, in the guise of "Sam Bacile," publicly referred to Islam as a "cancer" while attempting to drum up publicity for the self-produced film.
After Middle Eastern audiences became aware of the film's existence, "Muslim Innocence" sparked outrage across the Muslim world, leading to anti-American protests over the film's content. One attack killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.
American officials such as Hilary Clinton have roundly criticized both the film and the violence it incited, as the protesting continues.

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