A phone number is a personal identifier that people use to contact someone. While it may seem okay to hand out your number to everyone you meet, it's not always the best idea.

If you're not careful, you could inadvertently give out your number to a scammer or someone with malicious intent. And that's where a secret phone number comes in handy.

These numbers can be used for a variety of purposes, such as temporary business numbers, disposable numbers for online dating, or one-time use when signing up for new services. It's not always easy to get a secret phone number but isn't impossible either.

Why do you need a secret phone number?

There are a few reasons why you should never hand out your phone number to people you've just met. First, you don't know them personally. They could be someone harmless just looking for a new friend, or possibly a dangerous criminal.

Second, giving out your phone number can lead to unwanted calls or texts from that person. Even if their intentions are good, they might not respect your boundaries and could become a nuisance.

Finally, your phone number is a personal piece of information that should be kept private.

You can also consider using a secret phone number if you're dating online or meeting people in person through a dating app. You may not want to share your contact details with someone you've just met, and an alternate phone number allows you to keep your personal information private until you get to know someone better.

Additionally, it can be a good way to manage your time and schedule. If you're only giving out your phone number to people you're interested in, you can avoid wasting time on unwanted calls and messages. This can also be a great way to protect yourself from harassment or stalking.

How to get one?


Burner is a mobile app that generates temporary, disposable secret phone numbers. This number can be used for anonymous calling and texting and is often used by people who want to avoid being tracked.

The app typically works by assigning a temporary, random number to the user, which is then linked to their real phone number. It also allows the user to set up a voicemail box and choose a fake name or "alias" to use when calling or texting.

Google Voice

Google Voice is a convenient way to manage multiple phone numbers. It can be used to consolidate multiple phone numbers into a single number, making it easier to manage calls and voicemails. The service is also useful for businesses that need to provide customer service or sales support.

It works by allowing users to choose a single phone number that can be linked to multiple phones. Furthermore, the service also provides a visual voicemail service, which transcribes voicemails into text and sends them to the user's email inbox.

Phone Number Privacy