Sean Spicer
White House spokesman Sean Spicer holds a press briefing at the White House in Washington, D.C., Jan. 24, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer couldn’t get Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s name right, calling him Joe Trudeau instead. He also said the name of Australia’s Prime Minister incorrectly, calling him Malcolm Trumble instead of Malcolm Turnbull. Now the Sydney Morning Herald has created a "Spicer-ize my name" generator, so you can find out how Spicer would mess up your name during a press conference.

The site has a box in which you can type in your name to see how Spicer would incorrectly pronounce it. For example, House Speaker Paul Ryan would be called Paulette Ryker, but fortunately Spicer is pretty familiar with the Speaker’s name to mess up that badly.

We also plugged in President Donald Trump’s new Labor Secretary pick Alexander Acosta to see how Spicer would incorrectly say his name in the next press conference. It switched it to: Alexandria Acch instead.

Sean Spicer name generator result.
Sean Spicer name generator result. Screenshot: Denisse Moreno

I also plugged in my name Denisse Moreno and got Denker Moreton instead.

Sean Spicer name generator result.
Sean Spicer name generator result. Screenshot: Denisse Moreno

People who used the generator posted their results on social media. Here are some names that got “Spicer-ized”: