Address Coding Guide Details

The address coding guide contains all starting and ending numbers used to mark residential properties but larger types of properties. The coding guide sections these larger areas by zip code, carrier routes, or census track. The United States Bureau of the Census uses this guide to zone the United States into smaller spaces.

This process of zoning allows for information to be more accurately dispensed and received. While corporations may have their own internal Address Coding Guides, this is particularly important for the United States Census. Corporate address coding guides may be used for advertisements and promotions, while the Census is responsible for collecting data about the makeup of the United States.

Example of the Address Coding Guide

An example of the address coding guide would be if Sam worked for the United States Bureau of the Census. It was the year leading up to the next Census, and they needed to send out flyers. Sam looked through the address coding guide and ordered enough postcards for each section. This would notify residents of the upcoming Census.

Several months later, it was time for a new batch of notifications to go out. Sam again looked at the address coding guide, checked how many flyers were needed, and mailed them out. This would be the last notification of the upcoming Census.

Once it was time for the Census, Sam was in charge of mailing out the flyers to certain sections of the United States. He was also in charge of intaking the data residents would send in and later analyzing that data. Sam received all Census forms a few weeks later, and he began analyzing. He organized and broke down this data into analytics and passed that information to his supervisors. Once he submitted the census information, the Bureau used this information to determine new representation for each state.

Significance of the Address Coding Guide

An address coding guide is a useful tool for gathering information about the makeup of the United States population. The Census not only counts residents and notes where they live but also helps determine where to distribute resources. When the US takes the Census, representatives record data about age, ethnicity, race, and more.

When there is an accurate count of where residents live, how many, and who they are, the government can accurately just past legislation and judge its efficacy. The number of residents also affects future representation in determining how many seats in the House of Representatives each district has.

In addition to representation, the US can more accurately distribute resources when there is an accurate population count. Funding to education, transportation, and infrastructure are common instances for funding to be redistributed due to the Census. This redistribution can improve the lives of those in underserved areas. The population is not static. Therefore funding, resources, and representation also need to shift to reflect the changing needs of communities.