Two California parents are seeking answers after their 18-month old daughter died following a misdiagnosis from a doctor. The baby girl, name Annalina Rose Stewart fell ill on Oct. 30 and passed away just two days later.

Stewart’s mother, Courtney Durham told Patch that her daughter had woken up crying and screaming on Oct. 30. Durham called the young girl’s pediatrician who was unavailable for a consultation but referred her to another doctor.

Durham told Patch that the doctor diagnosed her daughter with the flu. On Nov. 1 when Durham realized the baby was not breathing she rushed Annalina to the hospital where doctors were unable to revive the baby girl.

An autopsy later showed that the baby had actually been suffering from a rare digestive issue called Intussusception, a treatable condition. Now Durham and Annalina’s father, Dallas Stewart, are seeking a reason that the condition was not diagnosed properly.

What is Intussusception?

Intussusception is a condition that mostly occurs in children under the age of three. It occurs when a part of the intestine slides into the part of the intestine next to it. When this happens it can block foods or fluids from getting through and it can also cut off the blood supply. The cause is unknown but in children it can usually be treated with an X-ray procedure, according to Mayo Clinic.

Usually children suffering from Intussusception will cry or scream due to the pain and sometimes will pull their knees up to their chest, says Mayo Clinic. Other symptoms include fever, vomiting, and lethargy among other symptoms that could seem similar to those of the flu.

A fundraiser page to help cover the costs of the memorial said Annalina was “energetic” and “naturally charismatic.” “This is an unfortunate and very devastating tragedy for little Annalina Rose Stewart’s entire family,” said the page.