iPhone 4S
iPhone 4S Reuters

The iPhone 4S is here. Stores stocked them on Friday and Apple said that over the debut weekend it had sold 4 million units of the latest smartphone.

iPhone 4S is selling like hot cakes but don't fret - there are still a few other spots you can get yours if you want to avoid the craze at Apple stores.

Apple Store: With the first wave of eager owners getting theirs on Friday, the Apple stores were a little less hectic over the weekend. The crowds will be thinner this week but then again, maybe everyone is thinking the exact same.

AT&T, Verizon, Sprint Stores: You can get them at your carrier's store too, but chances are, they may have a more limited supply.

Sam's Club: They actually started taking pre-orders here since last week. Sam's Club is doing it by a first come first served basis, but it's worth a try. They even have a FAQ page dedicated to answering any questions you have about getting yours.

Best Buy: Best Buy also took pre-orders last week, but if they have any left after Friday's shipment you might be able to find one here.

Radio Shack: They don't get very big shipments, but they offer a trade-in for people with the iPhone 4. This way, you can save some money while you're at it.