Growing up in today’s varying environment, the last couple of years have been very unsettling to the global economy and social stability due to the COVID-19 pandemic. People lost jobs and had difficulty supporting themselves and their loved ones. In order to combat the rippling effects, it has never been more important to highlight the power of coming together and supporting one another, whether it be through larger charities or community-based initiatives.

Even when looking at how children have been affected by the pandemic, many experienced what it meant to live in isolation and having limited resources, which can limit both social and mental growth. In fact, when looking at U.S. statistics , “almost one in every five children lives in poverty, a percentage that is significantly higher than that of adults.” Growing up aware of these circumstances can be vital in realizing the importance of not only being grateful for one’s fortunate background, but also wanting to give back to those in need. Someone who has this mentality is Aiden Kerr, the 11-year-old brother of the late musician, XXXTENTACION.

Aiden Kerr
Aiden Kerr Aiden Kerr

Growing up in a family that values charity and helping others, Kerr has been involved in the philanthropic realm from a young age, thanks to his mother, Cleopatra. He has dedicated his time and energy to various causes, but one of his main focuses is his work with the SOS Children’s Village. The organization has worked with kids from varying backgrounds for the past seven decades, as they aim to provide support in an all-encompassing way. In doing so, they have a support system that revolves around community and education, as well providing them with their general basics of food, water, and shelter. Kerr has contributed to the organization in various ways, but one of his more significant gestures was hosting a Christmas carnival for the village. Through that event, the kids were able to experience the little joys and pleasures that come with the holidays, while also being able share it with those around them.

Kerr also works with the XXXTENTACION Foundation, which was made in honor of his brother. The nonprofit organization works with different causes in the Florida region and beyond in order to help those in need. For instance, one of their initiatives was to collect and provide resources to those in the Bahamas following Hurricane Dorian. Planning to continue their aid, Kerr is glad he can combine his love for his family with his philanthropic endeavors.

However, supporting charitable causes is only one aspect of Kerr’s life, as he also enjoys playing the piano and practicing martial arts. Through these hobbies he feels he can express his talents and stay active. He also uses his YouTube channel to share his journey, giving him the chance to connect with his friends and those who share similar interests with him. At just 11 years old, Kerr is excited for what’s to come and the next ventures he will take on.