sign in with apple wwdc
Apple's senior vice president of Software Engineering Craig Federighi speaks during the keynote address during the 2019 Apple Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) at the San Jose Convention Center on June 03, 2019 in San Jose, California. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Apple has finally revealed some of the coolest iPhone features at the ongoing worldwide developers conference. Some of these have been requested by fans for a long time, while some of them simply blew fans away.

Here are some of the coolest iPhone features unveiled during the WWDC keynote, as per TIME.

Dark Mode

iPhone users are now going to enjoy the fan-requested dark mode, which paints the entire UI in a darker color scheme. A demo showed how the display transitioned from bright and colorful to darker and still colorful.

Revamped Apple Map

Apple has revamped the Maps app, allowing it to give users a more detailed view of the entire United States. Apple hopes to roll the revamped feature out to the entire U.S. by the end of 2019 and to some other countries next year.


The Maps app now has a new “Binoculars” button that opens a brand new “Look around” window. Look Around gives users a high-definition view of the surroundings they choose to look at. What’s more, it allows users to smoothly “move” down the street they are currently “standing” on. This is very reminiscent of Google Street View.

Sign in with Apple

Apple gives users the option to “Sign in with Apple” in lieu of “Sign in with Google” or “Sign in with Facebook.” This new feature helps to prevent personal information from being harvested and leaked out to others.

The new feature also allows users to hide their email address from third-party apps that usually ask for it outside the app. If a user chooses to “hide” his email, Apple creates a unique random email address that serves as a proxy, yet actually forwards emails to the user’s real email address.

More Control

Now, a user’s name and picture (or memoji or animoji) will only be seen by those whom he sends a message to. What’s more, Apple adds more options to customize and personalize memojis using new makeup, accessories, and more.

Announce Messages

Users who love to wear their AirPods will now have Siri read their text messages to them as soon as the message arrives, and will also be enabled to respond to the message instantly by simply telling Siri what to say or text in response.

ARKit 3

ARKit has been updated to give the iPhone the coolest features yet. Here are two of them:

People Occlusion - ARKit 3 does away with traditional compositing methods using green screens. It now allows users to create AR scenes in real time and in any environment. Users simply need to indicate where the people are in the scene, then add virtual content to their liking.

Motion Capture - By pointing a camera at a person, ARKit 3 now tracks a person’s movements in real time. The info can be then used as an input to the augmented reality experience.