Success can be exhilarating. It can instill a sense of accomplishment as well as a fear of things going wrong in the future. According to Emir Ceric, it's crucial to stay centered, grounded, and focused even when success is all around you. He shares three practical ways to stay in control over emotions, stress, and everything that's part and parcel of success.

Emir Ceric
Emir Ceric Emir Ceric

1. Reduce Distractions

"Distractions are modern-day vampires," says Emir Ceric. "They suck time and energy out of you. It's important to keep a tab on distractions and focus on accomplishing daily tasks because each day counts."

Muting notifications, assigning digital detox hours, and curbing the urge to check your phone now and then, are some of the ways to keep distractions at bay. These simple steps can go a long way in helping you maintain your focus and stay creative.

2. Purge

It's necessary to let go of things that no longer serve you. It could be people or things around you. Emir Ceric elaborates, "The famous KonMari method does not just apply to decluttering your home; it also applies to your mind. Things that take away your energy, make you doubt yourself, and drain you emotionally are red signals you should look out for."

Remember, minimalism is a way of life, and it applies to everything around you.

3. Relax & Reconnect

Amidst all your hustle and hard work, it's essential to take time out to relax and reconnect with yourself. The proverb, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," holds even for the most successful people on earth.

"Go watch that old movie, or rekindle a hobby you've dumped, listen to your favorite music, or water the plants," says Emir Ceric. "There are numerous ways to relax; you just have to find what works for you," concludes Emir.