How To Write A Vision Statement For Your Business
How To Write A Vision Statement For Your Business Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Writing a vision statement definitely qualifies as something of an art. Writing one or two sentences that define what you want your company to become takes draft after draft to pull off. But how can something so short be so challenging to write?

Because there is so much you're trying to communicate in those two sentences.

A vision statement doesn't just hold your plan. It contains the passion you have for your goal, the "personality" of your business, and the attention-grabbing details you need to convey to potential investors and customers. It is inspirational and idealistic. It is the philosophy that will guide your future business decisions.

So before you dive into one of the more difficult things to write for your business, here are some tips.


Tips for Writing a Vision Statement

Since these are no ordinary one-two sentences, you'll want to spend quality time morphing your vision statement into how it should be. These tips may seem like a lot of work, but trust us, they'll pay off.

Map it Out

Map out your business goals. Use this map as a rough draft or outline as you work on writing your vision statement. Sit down and ask probing questions to get at the core of your business.

  • What impact do I want my brand to have on my community, industry, or the world?
  • How will my business interact with customers?
  • What will my business's culture look like? How will it play out in employees' lives?

Look at Competitor's Vision Statement

Looking at a competitor's vision statement gives you an example of how they should read and how to get yours to stand out from the crowd. Their vision statements will help you see where you can meet a need with your business that they aren't.

Not Set in Stone

Project 5-10 years in the future, but keep in mind that this vision statement may not be what you keep forever. Visions change and evolve.

When your company is young, you may not want to have a vision statement. Your company needs time to grow into its own. Consider taking the first year to write many different versions of a vision statement. After the first year, sit down and look over all the vision statements you have written. See which one sticks and use that as your first vision statement.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't write one or always be waffling over what your business should do. You'll eventually want a dedicated path to follow and need one if you want investors to take your business seriously.

"What I Mean to Say Is..."

If you're having trouble with the precision end of your vision statement, try this trick. Take some time to write out everything that is swirling around in your head. If this means you end up writing a full page about what you see for your business, so be it. Just get it all out. Then, when you're about to wrap up, write "What I mean to say is..." and write one to two sentences summarizing your business's goals.


When you're writing your vision statement, use active voice, present tense, and dynamic language. Avoid using jargon or words that only a few people may understand. It will keep your statement engaging and current. You'll also want to be professional, so avoid overly casual language. This is not necessarily the time for jokes.

On the same note, don't be afraid to be catchy and creative. You want your audience to get excited, not fall asleep.

Test Run


Find an unbiased audience and read them your completed vision statement. Ask them if they understand what your goal is from the statement. If they are unsure, ask them why, and make revisions. Do not discard the draft, however! There may be good points you want to keep.

Communicate the Vision

When you've finally settled on a vision statement, communicate it with your employees. But don't just post it on the lobby corkboard. Ask yourself, how will you keep the vision at the forefront of your employees' minds? How will you get them excited about it? You may find that their reaction to it helps you adjust the vision statement in the future.

Dream Big

Go ahead and dream big with your vision statement. Do not hold back. If you want to inspire your employees, focus on success, and do not let doubt or second guesses slip in. Of course, you'll want to be realistic. But you also want to be a dreamer.

In the End

Writing a killer vision statement will not happen overnight. The process can be frustrating -- who knew writing two sentences could be so tough? But as long as you are dedicated, you'll eventually write something that will not only satisfy a business need but inspire your employees and your customers.