Overwatch Don Rumbotico
A new area in Overwatch teased on its Twitter account. Blizzard Entertainment/Overwatch

Blizzard Entertainment has recently announced the next “Overwatch” event called "Storm Rising." The event will feature a new special mode featuring four of the “Overwatch” characters namely Tracer, Winston, Mercy, and Genji.

Here’s what we know about the next “Overwatch” Storm Rising event.

According to the trailer, a mysterious character named Sojourn contacts a younger Soldier 76 about a mission to catch Doomfist’s associate, Maximillien. Doomfist’s ally is the Omnic robot character wearing a suit on the comic that covers the antagonistic Talon criminal organization. Sojourn suggests they go for Maximillien instead, as Doomfist is “clean” from any operations against them. Since Maximillien deals with money, possibly through illegal means, the Overwatch team is expected to get more results from it.

The full details of the mission has yet to be confirmed but four operatives have been assigned to the job -- Tracer, Mercy, Winston, and Genji. Sojourn wants Tracer to lead this operation as Tracer has grown to be a leader since the Omnic attack in King’s Row. He is confident that this team will pull through with the mission. Whatever happens in this operation will be the content of the upcoming game mode.

Gameplay-wise, all of these characters are considered to be the most mobile for their specific roles in regular matches. The new event may require the players to use the speed and mobility of these heroes to finish the mode.

Since Storm Rising is a new event, it’ll introduce some new cosmetics to the game too. New Legendary rarity skins for Tracer, Genji, Mercy, and Winston will be available. Cosmetics from the previous events that covered Overwatch history, such as Uprising and Retribution, may also be available from the event-themed lootboxes and points.

The “Overwatch” Storm Rising event will start on April 16 and end on May 6. Players have two weeks to try and get all this new event has to offer.