Anthony Myers

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Amazon Kindle Fire vs $265 Spark Tablet: A New Contender in the Economy Tablet Class?

Amazon's Kindle Fire tablet sold six million units in 2011, but a new contender in the economy tablet class has emerged. It's called the Spark tablet, and at $265, it's certainly much cheaper than almost any other seven inch tablet. Not as cheap as the $200 Kindle Fire, though. It's not a hybrid tablet, but the Spark runs an operating system called Plasma Active, an open-source OS by K Desktop Environment (KDE) and Germany based open-slx.

Facebook and Google Team up to Form DMARC: How to Fight email Spam

What's DMARC if not a new super-league of tech companies including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and ten others to fight email spam? Though the companies compete on many levels, one thing they can agree on is email phishing scams are not good for people who use their products (except, of course, the spammers themselves - at least the ones who make money). Phishing scams are notorious because the email messages tend to look like legitimate ones from reputable sources.

Samsung Galaxy Note vs Samsung Galaxy Nexus: Which Should You Buy?

Samsung's Galaxy Note smartphone will arrive on AT&T Feb. 19 for $300, but if you're unsure if its better than the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, here's how they compare. They are both $300 with a new two year contract, are very thin, fast and powerful. Besides being already available, the Galaxy Nexus also runs the Android 4.0 system that Galaxy Note will get eventually. It won't debut with the system, however. Instead it will ship with Android 2.3 (Gingerbread).

Asus Transformer Prime HD: 5 Best Tablets Compared with the Prime [PHOTOS]

Asus' Transformer Prime TF700T (HD) tablet is due out this summer, and it's not alone. There are five other tablets due out in the next few months that are worthy of consideration for best new tablet. Among them is the iPad 3, of course. But, there are Internet rumblings about whether or not we may get an iPad 2S, instead.

Apple iPad 2 vs Acer Iconia Tab A500: What You Need to Know

Both the Apple iPad 2 and Acer Iconia Tab A500 have been out for nearly a year, but only one of them is now available for less than $500, so here's what you need to know about these two 10-inch tablets. Both devices are ready for an update in the next couple of months, and Acer has actually already shown the Iconia Tab A510 at CES this year. It's not out yet, and all the features aren't even known yet, but there is still the A500, an average Android tablet that has some nice features yo...

$150 Samsung Galaxy S2 vs $100 HTC Vivid: And the Winner is?

Two solid AT&T phones have had their prices lowered now that the holidays are over, and the $150 Samsung Galaxy S2 or $100 HTC Vivid are good choices if your contract is up or you're looking to switch carriers. Both devices were $200 before the holidays, so if you were holding out for a better deal, here's your chance. Samsung released the Galaxy S2 about a year ago, so it's due for a replacement this year, but it's still tough to beat, even when compared to the iPhone.

February 1 is Change Your Password Day: Why You Should Change Your Passwords

Feb. 1 is change your password day, and you should change your passwords regularly just like changing a lock after a roommate moves out. If you've ever told someone what one of your passwords was, that's a good one to go ahead and change. Of course, if you've ever been a victim of cyber-crime, you already do this, but here's some tips on how and why to change your passwords.

How to Scare Hackers Away from Your Mobile Gear

Howls of despair over the impending cyberpocalypse of hackers taking over people's mobile devices have yet to match the actual numbers of people getting attacked, but there are ways to make sure you're device is protected. Many people do carry extra-sensative information around on their smartphones, so they can be tempting for would be hackers. Here's how to protect yourself from an attack or at least stop an attack if it's already in progress.

Apple Supply Chain Suicides and Amazon Review Scams: Tech's Five Dirtiest Secrets

Just because people love shiny electronic gizmos doesn't mean they should be kept in the dark about some technology firms' practices, and the recent spate of suicides among Chinese factory workers in Apple's supply chain are only one example. While many factories, even in the U.S., expose their workers to dangerous conditions and poor salaries, the tech world is now inundated with stories about Amazon scammers, Facebook clickjackers, SOPA, PIPA and Google+ privacy concerns.

Hacked Symantec Security Software Goes Rogue

Symantec security software was hacked back in 2006, and now the anti-virus software maker says it didn't even know the source code for pcAnywhere, a remote access program, was even gone. Symantec knew there was a breach alright, but until a hacker called Yama Tough posted online in January he had the code, the company was unaware of the theft.

Nokia Clawing its Way Into Smartphone War With Lumia Windows Phones

Before the iPhone debuted in 2007, Nokia was virtually alone in the smartphone world, and ever since then, it (and everyone else) has been chasing Apple. Nokia still sells more mobile phones than any other company, but mostly they are of the feature phone variety that don't have touchscreens and data plans. Nokia announced Jan. 26 they had lost over a billion dollars worth of business in the last three months of 2011, but their new line of Windows Phone-powered Lumia smartph...

Apple Gunning for Microsoft's Share of the Business World

More and more businesses are adopting Apple products, be it workers bringing their iGear with them to work or IT managers favoring it over Microsoft, a new report from Forrester Research said. Forrester asked nearly 10,000 workers in 17 countries about the subject, and found 21% of information workers use at least one Apple device at work.

Droid Razr Maxx vs Nokia Lumia 900: Smartphone Shootout

Motorola's Droid Razr Maxx goes on sale today on Verizon, but should you grab the new smartphone or wait a few more weeks for the Nokia Lumia 900? It depends if you are an AT&T or Verizon customer or if you're contract is already up from your current carrier.

No iPad 3 at MacWorld/iWorld: Top Five New Apps from the Show

Not only will there not be any iPad 3 announcements at the 2012 MacWorld/iWorld expo in San Francisco, Apple won't even be there at all. They abandoned the annual show long ago, so the show now features Apple accessories and apps. This year, however, the expo is bringing in more art exhibits and musical acts because, and let's be honest here, without Apple, the show just isn't as relevant. This isn't CES where every electronics maker in the world shows up to display their new gear.

Could Xbox 720 Stop People from Playing Used Games?

It's many a gamer who's lamented the fact a game came out with a new version only months after they paid $60 for their version. The seemingly never-ending cycle of updated and sequel games leads many people to just rent or borrow games from their friends. But what if Microsoft decided to build the Xbox 720 (or whatever they plan to call it) with the ability to not allow used or borrowed game play?

Amazing Fujitsu Concept Lifebook Combines Tablet and Smartphone Into a Laptop [PHOTOS]

Designer Prashant Chandra has devised a radical concept Fujitsu Lifebook that combines a camera, smartphone and tablet into a sleek-looking, super-cool laptop. All the hardware combines together to form the laptop with the tablet becoming a virtual keyboard when slipped into its slot in the laptop body. The components work separately as functional devices, but also support each other when put together in this amazing device.

Why Steve Jobs Was Dead Wrong About an iPad Stylus

Steve Jobs said 'nobody wants a stylus' when he announced the iPhone back in 2007. Ever since then, most tablet makers have taken the idea of 'if it comes with a stylus you're doing it wrong' and run with it. Sure some of the slate style tablets sold to businesses included a stylus, but the most popular devices over the last few years have been of the decidedly non-stylus variety, including the iPad.

Facebook Timeline: Ten Best Apps for the New Timeline Feature

Facebook's new Timeline feature is about to become permanent for everybody's profile, so you might as well take advantage and try a couple of the the ten best apps for Timeline. The Timeline is Facebook's new way of letting you tell the story of your life. Anyone checking out your profile can see all of the things you've done in your Facebook life, and even back to the day you were born.

Apple Loses to Samsung on Dutch Sales of Galaxy Tablets

Samsung won the latest round of its legal battles with Apple Tuesday when a Dutch judge ruled its appeal insufficient to block Samsung tablets for stealing Apple designs. It's a double victory for Samsung because the Netherlands is an important distribution center for the rest of Europe.

Facebook Timeline Becomes Permanent: Five Things to Do First

Facebook's Timeline feature will become permanent for all users starting today. Facebook will start opening up the new profile today, and everyone will be updated to it automaically within a few weeks. Once your profile is updated, you have seven days to adjust your profile just how you want. Depending on how much info you put on your profile and how long you've been using Facebook could determine if you'll need that much time, but at the end of the seven days, the change is permanent.

Sony's New Image Sensors for Camera Phones: Best Smartphones for Shooting in Low Light

Smartphone cameras have come a long way in the last year, but one area they still struggle in is low-light conditions. This is true for most cameras, actually, but the effect is more pronounced in smartphones because they are not dedicated cameras. More megapixels are not the answer, though. Sony has built a new type of sensor that can take all the useable light and use it to make a more even picture. Most camera phone sensors now only look at certain colors to make up the image. That is why low...

Best T-Mobile Deal: Nokia Lumia 710 vs HTC Radar 4G

T-Mobile has a couple of deals right now on new Microsoft powered smartphones, and the Nokia Lumia 710 and HTC Radar 4G are both $50 if you meet the requirements. First, the prices are dependent on buying a new two-year contract, but that is usually the case for on-contract devices. The new Nokia Lumia 710 is $50 after a mail-in rebate, so if you go buy one, you'll have to throw down $100 and wait for the rebate.

Samsung Galaxy S3: Top Five New Quad-Core Phones

Samsung, LG, HTC and other smartphone makers are set to deliver their next-generation quad-core devices at Mobile World Congress in about a month. Some of the phones to be announced have been teased (like the Galaxy S3), while others are being hidden away without much detail coming out. At least one maker, Fujitsu, even showed off their new phone at the Consumer Electronics Show in January.
