Director Masahiro Sakurai has confirmed that he will appear in an upcoming video presentation. The director will reveal the next DLC character of “Smash Ultimate’s” Hero which is from Square Enix’s “Dragon Quest” series. Along with the character’s details, important announcements are also expected to be made.

According to the official Nintendo Versus Twitter, Sakurai would be the one to introduce the “Dragon Quest” Hero into the “Smash Ultimate” roster. The reveal is set to happen on July 30 at around 6 a.m. PT and is expected to last for less than 30 minutes.

The “Dragon Quest” hero character was confirmed in the last E3 2019 during a cinematic trailer. The character looks similar to the “Legend of Zelda” character, Link, due to similar choice of weaponry but sports an original moveset. Players would be able to cycle through the “Dragon Quest” Hero’s skins as he can be played as one of the main characters from specific “Dragon Quest” entries.

The upcoming livestream is going to reveal the character’s full moveset. “Smash Ultimate” fans would finally be able to see if this character would be fun and even be viable for competitive play. Other than this character’s moves, players will also know the character’s exact release date during the stream.

As seen on the official “Smash Ultimate” site, the “Dragon Quest” ero is the second DLC character to arrive in the game and is slated for a Summer 2019 release. The announcement could help narrow down the date since summer is about to end soon. The first character was Joker, the main character of the “Persona 5.”

The next characters to be included in the game would be Banjo and Kazooie from the “Banjo-Kazooie” games. Banjo and Kazooie will be multiple characters in one, similar to Ice Climbers and Duck Hunt. However, the trailers about them show that Kazooie mostly stays in Banjo’s backpack and helps out in team attacks that doesn’t go far away from Kazooie.

Potentially, the Banjo abd Kazooie duo could be a character that has odd movement and attacks to compensate for their apparent lack of complicated attacks that can easily corner enemies. The duo's release date could be included in the upcoming reveal, as well.

'Super Smash Bros'
Fans continue to guess who'll be included in the “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” roster. Nintendo/Facebook