Steve Jobs: 'I admire Mark Zuckerberg
Customers walk past a display of the biography of Steve Jobs, sold at a bookstore in Quezon City, Metro Manila October 24, 2011. Many across Asia queued up at bookstores on Monday when the authorized biography of Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs went on sale globally. Biographer Walter Isaacson's "Steve Jobs" reveals that Jobs refused potentially life-saving cancer surgery for nine months, was bullied in school, tried various quirky diets as a teenager, and exhibited early strange behavior such as staring at others without blinking. Reuters

The long awaited Steve Jobs biography has gone on sale, and with it come a number of media appearances by biographer Walter Isaacson—a man that was granted more than 40 interviews with Jobs during the last two years of his life.

As part of his nation-wide media tour, Isaacson spoke to 60 Minutes, sharing several recording conversations with Jobs. In the recordings played several times throughout the program, Jobs is heard reminiscing about family life, business and his early 20s. But what may be most shocking is the footage that wasn't aired.

On the 60 Minutes Overtime website, Steve Jobs is heard speaking directly about his competitors. In the clips played, he's heard touting the work the Facebook has done and also denounces the corporate culture and products of Google and Microsoft.

We talk about social networks in the plural, but I don't see anybody other than Facebook out there, said Jobs. Just Facebook. They're dominating this.

Jobs elaborated: I admire Mark Zuckerberg. I only know him a little bit, but I admire him for not selling out—for wanting to build a company—I admire that.

In the extra footage, Jobs is also heard dismissing the strategies of both Microsoft and Google. According to Jobs' biographer, Isaacson, Jobs was somewhat offended that Google had ripped off several ideas from the iPhone for the initial release of their Android OS. In other accounts, such as Jobs' Stanford commencement speech, Jobs revealed that he thought Windows just copied the Mac.

Microsoft and Google have a lot in common, Jobs says one of the recorded conversations between him and Isaacson. Microsoft never had the humanities and the liberal arts their DNA-just a pure technology company-and they just didn't get it.

Even when they saw the map, they couldn't even copy it well, adds Jobs, still ranting about his distaste for Microsoft and Google. How dumb to you have to be to not see it once you see it... Google is the same way.

Still, although Steve Jobs was upset with the way the Google had ripped of his product, the iPhone, he took time to meet with Google CEO Larry Page and share some of the lessons he had learned during his time in Silicon Valley. He'd felt it was only right since he was once mentored by the great minds of Silicon Valley when he was young, most of whom worked at Hewlard-Packard.

In their conversation, Jobs suggested that Page keep Google focused. He said that Microsoft had too many products. Find out what you do best, and stick to it, said Jobs. He also recommended to keep Page's closest circle to a tight-knit group of people and not always be nice. Jobs administrative tendencies, which echo his advice to Larry Page, are catalogued throughout the 60 minutes episode.