While widely popular, Respawn Entertainment’s “Apex Legends” still has some game issues that sometimes causes your teammates to get disconnected or crash out in the middle of a battle. As they can’t reconnect back to the match, you’ll have to fend for yourself against full squads unaffected by the issues during moments like these. Here’s how to survive alone in “Apex Legends.”

Avoid any confrontation and crowds

While this tactic is considered a boring way to play, you’ll have to survive as long as you can to get the best experience rewards for the match. To survive longer, make sure to move slowly and try to listen to the noises made by other players around you. Your goal right now is to be well-equipped and avoid fighting. While “Apex Legends” sports a large map, it actually provides accurate sound cues to help you orient yourself to an incoming person or a large fight happening near your vicinity. For now, run around them and you’ll be getting to top spots in no time.

Choose close-quarter routes

If given a chance to go through a house or open field, always go through some buildings instead. Rooms and buildings help you hide more efficiently from enemy sight, though it does constrain your avenues for escape if enemies do find you. However, you have an easier time aiming at foes as they’re also in a tight spot like you. With weapons that you’re comfortable with, you’ll be able to deal some damage and down them at best. To do this job, the Peacekeeper shotgun, the Wingman pistol, and the R-99 submachine gun will be devastating picks in this situation.

Run when dealing against foes in multiple angles

In cases where you are fighting an enemy in front of you and another shot comes from your side, it’s time to plan your escape route. Depending on your character, this could be easy, and successfully escaping enemies alone mid-fight is a win for you as they’ve revealed their location to other squads which could potentially deal with them. At best, you’d like to bait other players into fighting each other so you can run away to a safe area.

In the future, the solo and duo modes in “Apex Legends” would soon to be implemented, as confirmed by the developers. These skills will come in handy when those modes arrive.