Big Brother
Kaitlyn Herman has just been evicted from "Big Brother" Season 20. CBS

Kaitlyn’s time in the CBS’ “Big Brother” Season 20 house has just ended! And she definitely walked out the door with a bang.

Warning: This article contains spoilers from the recent episode of “Big Brother.” Read at your own risk!

After Faysal used his Power of Veto (POV) on Haleigh instead of Kaitlyn, the latter knew that she’s in grave danger of being sent out of the house. However, Kaitlyn still had a small hope that she could continue her game because Sam had an unused Power App.

Sam’s Bonus Life Power App gives the evicted houseguest the chance to return to the game. But on Thursday, it was revealed that the houseguest can only continue playing this season if he or she wins one competition.

During the live eviction, all nine houseguests except for JC voted to evict Kaitlyn. But with the Power App, host Julie Chen announced that she will play a puzzle game while the rest of her fellow houseguests are watching her every move.

The game looks quite easy since there were only 10 puzzle pieces that need to be arranged to look like Kaitlyn herself. But she was unable to complete it with 150 seconds. To make things worse, Kaitlyn had to do a walk of shame in front of the remaining houseguests who just voted her out.

Also, during her conversation with Chen outside the house, Kaitlyn realized that her best friend and closest ally, Faysal, voted to keep Rockstar in the game instead of her. Kaitlyn felt betrayed when Chen told her the news because she initially thought that the single vote she received to stay in the game was from Faysal.

So Kaitlyn left the studio with another walk of shame moment to remember her “Big Brother” by.

On Sunday, a new Head of Household (HOH) will be named, and the houseguests may set their sights on Sam. Her reign as HOH last week didn’t sit well with most of the houseguests because they felt that she targeted Kaitlyn and Haleigh unfairly.

Sam also came off too strong when she gathered everyone in the HOH room and told them that she’s already made up her mind on who to nominate so she won’t entertain deals with anyone.

“Big Brother” Season 20 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 8 p.m. EDT on CBS.