FF Tactics
Cover art for "Final Fantasy Tactics." Final Fantasy Wikia

After a short teaser that essentially confirmed his appearance, Square Enix has formally announced that Ramza would eventually join the “Dissidia Final Fantasy” roster. The character was the lead protagonist of the classic “Final Fantasy Tactics” game, which originally came out on the original PlayStation before being ported multiple times and gaining more lighthearted spinoff titles.

Interestingly enough the character’s face has yet to be shown to gamers. Since most fans are familiar with him as a chibi 2D sprite, it will be interesting to see him look like an actual character in the fighting game. Of course, they could also base his appearance on the PSP port, which features brand new cutscenes that showcased his character model better.

Ramza’s announcement has been expected for quite some time now. Destructoid noted that the teaser video came out way back in November, so fans have been very patient about the announcement to say the least.

The “Final Fantasy Tactics” protagonist isn’t the only new character that is expected to join the roster. Siliconera confirmed that new characters would be added to the arcade game every one or two months, adding plenty of variety to the highly anticipated fighting game.

Unfortunately, no details were given as to who might be added after Ramza’s inclusion. The developers mentioned that more “Chaos” characters would be brought to the game, so fans might be able to expect some villains to join the roster.

Currently, the fighting game has fan favorites from the previous “Dissidia” games on the PSP like Cloud, Squall and Warrior of Light. Ramza has never appeared in a video game outside of “Final Fantasy Tactics,” so it will be intriguing to see the character in action. Fans can only hope that he calls his foe a “Spoony Bard.”

“Dissidia Final Fantasy” is currently available to play in Japanese arcade machines. There are rumors that the fighting game will eventually make its way to the PS4, though no details were given about it coming to the West. Considering that “Pokken Tournament” managed to get a Western release, it shouldn’t be impossible for “Dissidia” to get a worldwide release.

Dissidia Final Fantasy - Ramza (Credit: YouTube/SilentProtagonistPV)