The Tim Tebow SNL skit was a hit with many, garnering thousands of views online after Saturday Night Live aired the skit, which included an appearance by Jesus.

Pat Robertson told viewers on the Christian Broadcasting Network's 700 Club the Tim Tebow SNL skit was anti-Christian bigotry that's just disgusting.

If this had been a Muslim country and they had done that, and had Muhammad doing that stuff, you would have found bombs being thrown off, and bodies on the street, Robertson said. We need more religious faith in our society, we're losing our moral compass in our nation.

As for the Denver Broncos quarterback who has soared to fame while leading the NFL team to a winning season, one might say Robertson, the 81-year-old televangelist, is in favor of Tebowing.

I think (Tebow) is a wonderful human being. And this man has been placed in a unique position and I applaud him, God bless him, Robertson said.

In the SNL skit, Jesus appeared with Tebow. Tebow is played by Taran Killam, while Andy Samberg players kicker Matt Prater, and Jason Sudekis plays Jesus, telling the players to get the job done on the field so He doesn't have to come and bail them out each game.

See a video of the Tim Tebow SNL skit below, and see the response of Pat Robertson about the skit below that: