Uber just launched a feature that ensures the safety of both the passenger and the driver by keeping track of any irregularities encountered along the way.

How Does Uber’s RideCheck Work

On Tuesday, Uber launched the RideCheck, a feature that keeps track of an Uber cars route. Once the system detects an irregularity on the car’s route, it will send a push notification to both the driver and the passenger.

Using the GPS, upon detection of a change of route or the car stops, the system separately asks both the driver and the passenger through the push notification if they need some help. The driver and the passenger can now respond if they are in trouble and need some help or not.

Other Uber Safety Features

After receiving and responding to the push notification sent via RideCheck, the driver or the passenger can now use the other existing Uber Safety Features. They may call 911 using the app’s emergency button. To report a crash, they may also contact the Uber’s, Safety Line. This can also be their platform to make their trip known to their friends through sharing online.

For the past three years, Uber has been introducing one innovation after the other to ensure the safety of their customers. One of them was to anonymize the riders pick up and drop off locations so that sharing the trip with families and friends could be possible.

Hundreds of Passenger Safety Concerns were Reported

Uber’s RideCheck could be the ridesharing giant’s answer to the increasing report of complaints about passenger safety concerns. Lawsuits were filled by passengers in California, Colorado, Massachusetts and Texas for rape, kidnapping, forcible groping, assault during rides and even sexual assault allegedly done by drivers.

Other Company’s Safety Features

Aside from Uber, there is also a list of other ride-sharing companies working out their safety features. Lyft has plans to add up to and upgrade its existing safety feature called smart trip check in to ensure the safety of their passengers.

14 women filed a lawsuit against Lyft drivers earlier this month for alleged sexual assault. The complaint further alleges the existence of 100 more sexual assault report from May 2015 until May 2016.