iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak Update: iPhone 4S, iPad 2 Jailbreak Confirmed, Coming Soon
iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak Update: iPhone 4S, iPad 2 Jailbreak Confirmed, Coming Soon REUTERS

Here is a great news for the users of iPhone 4S and iPad 2 as the Dream Team of jailbreakers has finally broken the sandbox issue, which was blocking the release of the eagerly waited untethered jailbreak for A5-powered devices.

As the team of jailbreakers has almost finished up its work on the highly anticipated exploit, all eyes are now on Pod2g and rest of the Dream Team for when they finally release the untethered jailbreak. Pod2g said it's just days away.

Thursday, Pod2g posted the following information to his blog:

Here are some news about the current work on the A5 research.

@planetbeing escaped from the sandbox with the help of @saurik. Thanks to their awesome work, there should be nothing left blocking for the A5 jailbreak.

Now it should be a matter of days. Still no precise ETA of course.

We all want this to be finished ASAP, we're getting tired!

With iPhone 4S and iPad 2 untethered jailbreak on the horizon, there might be questions in people's mind about who will bring the exploit after all. Will it be the iPhone Dev Team, or the Chronic Dev Team, or both as in the case of the untethered jailbreak for A4 devices?

According to the latest reports, it's the Pwn Dev Team members, the creators of the Ac1dsn0w jailbreak tool, that pod2g has been in contact with. It looks like the hacker has agreed to give them his exploit for their new software, iDownloadBlog reported.

Tuesday, imRel0ad, who introduces himself as the vice leader of Pwn Dev Team on his Twitter profile, tweeted claiming that Pod2g would share the iOS 5 untethered exploit with him.

I just had a talk with @pod2g via email. Such a nice guy! He will share with us his iOS 5 untethered exploit. Ac1dsn0w untethered is coming! imRel0ad tweeted.

However, there are some doubts about the release of an Ac1dsn0w untethered jailbreak for A5 devices.

For what it's worth, there hasn't been any kind of advantage to using Ac1dsn0w over the other more formidable jailbreak tools. And we don't see any more reasons in store for this release either, the iDownloadBlog report stated. It'll more than likely still be for A4 devices only.

MUST READ: iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak: Apple Patches Corona Untethered in iOS 5.1 Beta 3; Update to iOS 5.0.1 at the Earliest