• Riven is a strong early-game champion with high lane dominance if played properly
  • She excels in winning short trades but loses favor in sustained engagements
  • Riven is best built with AD items and Lifesteal for survivability 

Riven is a very oppressive laner with a good mix of CC, damage, mobility and personal survivability. She excels at winning short trades and catching enemies by surprise with her strong burst combos. However, she’s relatively difficult to play as messing up her combos can lead to some unsavory situations.

Here’s a quick guide on how to play Riven in “Wild Rift” for beginners, as well as some sample builds for certain match-ups and situations.

Tips And Tricks For Riven

Riven is a combo-heavy champion who can weave each of her abilities between each other. Her passive ability, Runic Blade, grants her a flat increase to her basic attack damage for up to three hits depending on the amount of charges she has. She can have up to three charges at a time and she gains one charge every time she uses one of her abilities.

Riven’s (1) skill, Broken Wings, can be used three times before going on cooldown. This is bread-and-butter damage skill that doubles as a mobility tool. The third hit in the combo will knock up all enemies it hits for a short duration, which can be followed up by her (2) abilities AoE stun for a very punishing CC chain.

Her (3) skill, Valor, allows Riven to dash a short distance while shielding herself for a short duration. Other abilities can be cast while she’s dashing, including the individual casts of her (1) ability that can help her close long gaps quickly.

Splash art for Dawnbringer Riven in League of Legends
Splash art for Dawnbringer Riven in League of Legends Riot Games

Riven’s playstyle revolves around charging her passive and punishing the enemies’ mistakes. She can quickly dash toward enemies with her mobility skills and deal big damage with her abilities and empowered basic attacks.

Her ultimate ability, Blade of the Exile, gives her bonus basic attack range and a large AD increase to make her burst damage even stronger. It also grants her the Wind Slash ability, which deals more damage against targets with low health.

Best Riven Builds For “Wild Rift”

Riven is best used with AD and Lifesteal to keep her alive while simultaneously deleting her opponents. Here are some sample builds:

VS AD Teams

  • Death’s Dance
  • Black Cleaver
  • Plated Steelcaps w/ Teleport
  • Guardian Angel
  • Youmuu’s Ghostblade
  • Bloodthirster


  • Death’s Dance
  • Maw of Malmortius
  • Mercury Treads w/ Quicksilver
  • Guardian Angel
  • Black Cleaver
  • Bloodthirster

VS Tanks

  • Death’s Dance
  • Black Cleaver
  • Mercury Treads w/ Quicksilver
  • Guardian Angel
  • Bloodthirster
  • Mortal Reminder (once enemies have high-enough armor)

Runes: Conqueror, Brutal, Hunter Titan/Second Wind, Sweet Tooth