• Meghan Markle’s fans disgusted with Azealia Banks’ prediction for the duchess
  • Meghan Markle's move to look for an agent to manage her career shows that she is not a "hot property"
  • Meghan Markle shockingly admitted that she is a fraud

Meghan Markle’s fans were disgusted with Azealia Banks’ prediction for the duchess.

Banks shared her 2020-2030 predictions on her Instagram Stories last week and many found it sickening due to her prediction for the Duchess of Sussex. According to Banks, in 2022, the former “Suits” star will be killed in a car crash. However, a year before that Prince Harry will be moving back to England.

Banks’ prediction received mixed reactions from the online users. Some even attacked her because for them, she was bringing back the tragedy that killed Princess Diana who died in an automobile accident in 1997.

“Why would she say that about Meghan. That’s not even funny,” one wrote on Twitter.

“I just think it’s so disrespectful and gross how she “predicted” Meghan’s death like that. You don’t play like that because words are powerful af and she’s essentially playing with my girls life like stop,” @Lil_trbl commented.

“The Meghen part was a lil uncalled for,” @PatDhat agreed.

“that Megan Markle one was completely out of line and continues to prove why she is unliked and has no success,” @99sAndThe2000s added.

“The cure for Parkinson’s is so— I hate the Harry/Meghan one. But the rest is funny,” @yeehawgrandma opined.

Meanwhile, Markle is reportedly looking for a manager to handle her future projects. There are rumors that she will be returning to her acting career. The Duchess of Sussex was part of a popular TV show before she married Prince Harry and moved to London. However, many felt that her move to look for an agent to manage her career is a sign that she is not a “hot property.

One said that if Markle is a brilliant actress, agents will seek her out and bid for her. A different online user agreed and wrote that the move only shows Markle is “not popular amongst headhunters.”

In related news, an old clip of Markle admitting that she was a fraud has resurfaced. In the video, Prince Harry’s wife admits that she pretended to be in an actor’s union to get a small part in a pilot for “Century City,” a CBS show in 2004.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle is pictured at the launch of the Smart Set clothing collection on Sept. 12, 2019 in London. Philip Panting