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moon with two dark sides

NASA Moon Photo Shows Massive Alien City, Expert Claims

A UFO expert spotted a massive alien base in one of NASA’s images of the Moon. The UFO speculated that private space companies such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin could take over the base and turn it into their own lunar mining facility.

Tech CEOs Want To Capture UFOs And Reverse Engineer Them

Tech moguls including CEOs from Silicon Valley have expressed their interest in getting their hands on UFO technology in order to reverse engineer it. By doing so, they believe they’ll be able to make alien technology more accessible to the public.
June Solar Flare

NASA Image Shows UFO Flying Out Of The Sun, Expert Claims

A UFO experts claims that an image taken by NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) reveals an unidentified object much larger than Earth flying out of the Sun. Aside from proof of alien life, the expert said the image also proves that the Sun is hollow and houses extraterrestrial beings.


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