Next Reality Show?
All cameras could be on financier Andrew Nikou. Reuters

A Los Angeles private equity pro could be the next reality show star, according to columnist Luisa Beltran.

The founder of OpenGate Capital, Andrew Nikou, is in talks for his own show. Beltran says that Nikou will be mentoring entrepreneurs and small businesses with revenues of between $20 million and $25 million and helping them grow their businesses. "The show is geared as a combination of 'Undercover Boss' meets 'The Apprentice,'" she said.

The television reality show would be a good fit for Nikou. OpenGate is best known for its takeover of TV Guide, which it bought in December 2008 for $1 and $50 million in assumed liabilities, according to Beltran. TV Guide is profitable again and generating income in the mid-to high single digit millions, Nikou said last year.

"OpenGate was also involved in the initial rounds for Newsweek," said Beltran. "Yesterday, OpenGate got into the milk business when it announced its buy of a Wisconsin dairy processing plant from Dean Foods."