Queen Elizabeth previously received backlash for the rude comment that she made about the European Union years ago.

While speaking with The Daily Telegraph, author and broadcaster Joan Smith described Her Majesty’s remark as reactionary and unconstitutional. She said that the comment was made while at a Christmas party at Buckingham Palace.

Before the monarch arrived at the venue, Smith and the other broadcasters were asked to stand in one corner while waiting for the Queen. When Smith saw the Queen, she smiled and said hello to her, and Her Majesty reportedly looked at her in disbelief.

The Queen immediately talked to someone else and Smith heard her say that she and Prince Philip have been on a state visit to Turkey.

“The woman was very polite and said how pleased people were that she had visited. Then, the Queen turned to another person in the group and said: ‘The EU is getting awfully big with 28 countries.’ They said that, actually, it was 27, ‘but we are hoping Turkey will come in soon,’ to which the Queen said, ‘Oh, we don’t want Turkey to come in for a long time,’” Smith shared.

Following the incident, a spokesperson for Buckingham Palace said that it is possible the Queen’s comments about Turkey were taken out of context. The palace stressed that the Queen has a good relationship with the country.

Meanwhile, the Queen’s husband, Prince Philip, has also been dubbed as rude on multiple occasions. In 1961, the Duke of Edinburgh reportedly declared that British women can’t cook. Years later, he grew impatient while waiting for the food that he urged the staff to bugger the table plan.

In 2006, Prince Philip called the youth ignorant. And after he was asked if Prince Charles would succeed the throne, Prince Philip gave the most shocking response.

“Are you asking me if the Queen is going to die?” he said.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II announced a list of new bills ranging from implementing a yet-to-be finalized EU divorce agreement to criminal sentencing. POOL/Tolga Akmen