Ryan Villarreal

361-390 (out of 678)

Ryan Villarreal reports on foreign affairs with a focus on Latin America. He also covers human rights and environmental issues worldwide.

A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, he grew up with temperate, dry summers and rainy, green winters, but has taken a liking to the four seasons experienced in New York.


New Egyptian Cabinet Retains Many Former Ministers

Egypt's newly appointed Prime Minister Hesham Qandil has announced his cabinet selections, which were represented heavily by longtime state employees and former government ministers, underwhelming expectations of extensive changes in the new government as it facilitates the country's shaky transition to democracy.

Mexico's Drug War: A New President Outlines A New Strategy Likely To Produce Old Results

In the old days of Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the party of President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto, a systemic culture of government corruption ensured that the drug cartels would be more or less left alone in exchange for hefty bribes at multiple levels, and as the drugs flowed north into the U.S. there was relatively little violence.

Ramadan Reflects Struggle For Democracy In Muslim World

As the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins, the Islamic world will have much to reflect upon this year. In Syria, a civil war looms if it hasn't already arrived. In Egypt, a fledgling democracy is being tested. In Afghanistan, an exhaustive American war is coming to a dubious end.
