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Lindsay Lohan Gets The Boot From Her Favorite Hangout The Chateau Marmont

This week appears to be an especially rough one for Lindsay Lohan, after reports have come out that the actress has apparently been banned from one of her favorite Hollywood spots, the Chateau Marmont, after ducking out on a hotel bill. Lohan was asked by management to vacate the suite, on August 1, which she has been living in since May 30, and not to return after accruing but failing to pay $46,350.04 in charges, reports TMZ.

Madonna, Elton John Feuding Because Of Lady Gaga Jealousy?

When Elton John tore apart Madonna in an interview with an Australian paper earlier this month fans all over the world knew it was only a matter of time before the pop star responded. Earlier this week Madonna told a concert audience she “forgave” John, who criticized her only after Madonna trashed Lady Gaga. Since the flap began fans have started wondering if Madonna, who has seen her fame decline since her peak, is jealous of Lady Gaga.
Lindsay Lohan, Lady Gaga, Ellen von Unwerth

Lindsay Lohan Lands Role in Upcoming Lady Gaga Video [PHOTOS]

Things finally seem to be taking a turn for the better for Lindsay Lohan ¬¬– the troubled 26-year-old actress and singer is set to star in Lady Gaga’s newest music video for a single off her upcoming album “ARTPOP”, The New York Post reported on Wednesday.
The Cockiest Celeb Quotes

Elton John Declares Madonna's Career 'Over'

Elton John has declared Madonna’s career “over.”In an interview with Australia’s “Sunday Night” television program, John insulted the pop star, referring to her as a “c---“ and a “fairground stripper.”


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